Friday, August 19, 2011

Linda Perry: 'Katy Perry is why the music industry is in turmoil'

Photo: Photo: Ana Weber

Leading songwriter Linda Perry has slammed Katy Perry and has said she is part of the reason why "the music industry is in turmoil".

Linda Perry, who has written hit singles for the likes of Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani and Pink, has said that Katy Perry is "not giving substance" with her albums, compared to someone like Adele.

Speaking to writer Heath Daniels, the songwriter cited Perry as someone whose career is simply built around hit singles and that the other tracks on her album "are going to be crap".

She said:
I'm not a huge fan of Adele but that's a solid record and it's selling. That means people are still buying records. It's the crappy, like, who wants a Katy Perryrecord? I'm sorry, but you're going to get the two songs that are probably the hits that are good, but the rest of the album is going to be crap. It's going to sound like shit.

She continued:
So people download the single, and that's it. She's great for what she does, but she's not reinventing the wheel, she's not giving substance, she's just giving microwave popcorn to feast on right at this moment. She's not looking to change the world musically, so all the power to her. I'm not saying that's bad, I'm saying it's not what I participate in. That's part of the reason why the music business is in turmoil.

Katy Perry returns to the UK in the autumn for a full arena tour.

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