Thursday, August 18, 2011

PIAS join forces with new distribution company following London riots warehouse blaze

PIAS join forces with new distribution company following London riots warehouse blaze

Following the fire at the Sony DADC warehouse in Enfield last week during theLondon riots, independent label collective PIAS have developed a 'watertight' plan to ensure that independent music will continue to be distributed.

After the destruction of 3.25 million records, Sony has set up a new distribution centre inHoddesdon in Hertfordshire, which will be in business from August 22. PIAS has partnered with Proper Music Distribution to 'ease the burden' on the new facility. Proper Music will distribute to independent retailers as well as dealing with Amazon and Playorders. Sony DADC will deal with supermarkets, HMV bulk orders, international shipments and wholesalers.

A statement from PIAS reveals that:
At the appropriate point in the future the majority of retailers will revert back to being serviced by Sony DADC, however PIAS envisages the independent retailers will remain with Proper for the foreseeable future.

MD of PIAS, Peter Thompson, has said:

I am overjoyed to have this solution in place so soon after the fire at the Sony DADC warehouse which destroyed the stock of all our labels. Sony DADC have been amazing in getting things up and running so fast, and have excelled in their actions and flexibility in supporting our teams in looking after the needs of our labels.

Steve Kersley MD of Proper Music Distribution added:

All of us in distribution looked on in horror at the destruction of Sony DADC and everyone would have considered the consequences on their own business. In these circumstances it’s easy to offer to help in any way we can and we are fortunate that we can lend a hand. We wish Sony DADC the best with their new setup and in the meantime are happy to do what we can.

Last week PIAS set up an emergency fund last week to help labels hit by the fire, with an initial balance of £350,000

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