Thursday, August 18, 2011

French actor Gerard Depardieu urinates on aeroplane floor

French actor Gerard Depardieu urinates on aeroplane floor

The Oscar-nominated actor Gerard Depardieu has been reported to have urinated on the floor of a plane moments before take off. The actor, famous for roles in Cyrano de Bergerac, The Man In The Iron Mask and Green Card, was heard saying: "I need to piss! I need to piss!" before attempting to relieve himself into a bottle, and missing.

The actor was asked to leave the CityJet flight as the crew mopped up the mess.

The airport tweeted: "As you may have seen on the news, we are busy mopping the floor of one of our planes this morning," before adding, "we'd also like to remind all passengers that our planes are fully equipped with toilet facilities."

Friends of Depardieu said the actor was incredibly apologetic to the staff and even offered to clean up his 'mistake'.

According to the the air hostess was said to have an 'inflexible attitude' to the star's need to go.

The incident caused American news anchorAnderson Cooper to fall into a laughing fit as he presented the news (see below).

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