Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kasabian: 'Our new album has a lot of raw, primal screaming'

Kasabian have revealed that their forthcoming studio album features a "lot of raw, primal screaming".

Speaking in this week's issue of NME, which is on UK newsstands tomorrow (August 17) or available digitally, guitarist Serge Pizzorno said of their fourth studio album's sound and how it feeds into the album's title: "The album has a lot of raw, primal screaming. It has to be shouted that word. It has to be shouted."

The guitarist also said the band had opted to name the album after a breed of dinosaurs, as they had been misunderstood by Hollywood. He said:
Jurassic Park and the Hollywood myth of what dinosaurs look like – they were nothing like that. They were smaller and they had feathers. Hollywood also teaches you that things are certain and it's not like that. That comes into play with us as well – people think we're a certain type of band, but we're not.

Kasabian release 'Velociraptor!', which you can see the artwork for at the top of the page, next month, to read the rest of the interview with the band, pick up this week's issue of NME which is on UK newsstands tomorrow (August 17) or available digitally.

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